Fake Messages from Government Gateway

This is a time of year when tax returns are being submitted and tax paid. It is a time when you may not be surprised to receive an email from HMRC. Criminals understand this as well.

Many people including ourselves have been receiving emails from the Government Gateway with a confirmation code to confirm an email address. You would be forgiven for thinking that they are genuine. But, if such requests are received, these should be reported to HMRC.

HMRC advises that anyone who has received an email they haven’t requested, to verify a change to their online account, should ignore it. You should also ignore any follow-up emails asking you to click a link.

HMRC says, “These emails, which we are aware have been received by some customers, are a tactic by scammers to direct people to a phishing site and steal personal details.  HMRC systems have not been compromised – but criminals have attempted to create fake customer accounts or to access existing accounts using personal data obtained through a variety of routes, including breaching other organisations’ security.”

Anyone who has received such a message is encouraged by HMRC to report it to HMRC at phishing@hmrc.gov.uk.



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