The Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)

The Annual Investment Allowance (AIA), which gives 100% capital allowances on plant and machinery has been increased from £200,000 to £1m. It was due to revert back to £200,000 on 31 March 2023. The government now intends to make the £1m AIA permanent.

Generally, you do not get much tax relief on buildings. There are some exceptions.

One of these is Integral Features

Integral features are items such as electrical systems (including lighting systems), water heating systems, air conditioning systems, lifts and escalators.

You would normally only get 6% capital allowances on these costs which is not very exciting.

However, they can (and should) be included in the first £1 million of expenditure covered by the 100% AIA instead of going into the 6% pool, so you get 100%  tax relief up front. That’s much better.



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